Perpetual Fantastica

Sapphire of Souls

Perpetual Fantastica - Book Two
Book #2 from the series: Perpetual Fantastica

Ragged and weary from their previous ordeals, Braxton and his motley crew of elves, dwarves, and humans, set off into the Wilderkind Forest in search of the Sapphire of Souls. The problem is, the last time anyone saw the powerful gem was over a hundred years ago when a wood dragon ate the elf who was carrying it.

With the necromancer Reaton-Stav...

Demon of Destruction

Perpetual Fantastica - Book Three
Book #3 from the series: Perpetual Fantastica

With plot twists so intense they might give you whiplash, and clever heroes, bold enough to face impossible odds, this is one epic fantasy series you don’t want to miss. Clear your calendar and lock your doors. If you haven’t already. The time has come for you to step into Perpetual Fantastica.

Pharark, the Demon of Destruction, isn’t very...

Warrior of the Void

Perpetual Fantastica - Book Four
Book #4 from the series: Perpetual Fantastica

Braxton, Cryelos the elf, along with Chureal, and her young dragon Cobalt have suddenly appeared in an unfamiliar land. Only it isn’t so strange to Chureal. Near where Braxton found the young girl wandering alone in a battlefield, the group ends up in the middle of a war between kingdoms they never heard of and wizards more powerful than they...

Taerak’s Void

Perpetual Fantastica-Book One
Book #1 from the series: Perpetual Fantastica

When the wizards of the Sorcerious want you dead, the Warriors of the Void are your only hope.

Taerak’s Void
After finding a strange medallion and some maps with markings that no one in his village can understand, Braxton Bray decides to take it all to the Hall of Scholars in the kingdom’s capital. But greed is everywhere. Braxton and a tough...

Perpetual Fantastica

The Complete Four Book Collection
Book #0 from the series: Perpetual Fantastica

Perpetual Fantastica

When the wizards of the Sorcerious want you dead, the Warriors of the Void are your only hope.

Elves, dwarves, and giant gothican barbarians - treacherous dragons & forests full of warring trolls - underground dwarven cities, and enough love, death, terror, and magic to keep you swiping through the pages for nights on end....