February 13, 2025
A Message to ALL M. R. Mathias fans


My new Devious Arcana series is going to be like The Legend of Vanx Malic, with several 200-300 page books. The main characters (in book three) just bought a property with a Heart Tree on it, very much like the Heart Tree in Vanx Malic.

Book one of Devious Arcana-Nefarious Allure, is available, and book two is complete and releases on March 13th.

Since all my series are set in the same world (except Dragon Racers) And since the characters in Devious Arcana have found a pocket watch that lets them travel time, so they might come across Hyden Hawk Skyler from Wardstone, and then jump forward in time and find Jenka DeSwasso, and his daughter Amelia from The Dragoneer Saga. Then they might even go thousands of years into the future to the time of Vanx Malic, Gallareal and Chelda.

The entire Devious Arcana series is intended to act as book 11 of The Legend of Vanx Malic series, book seven of The Dragoneer Saga, book 4 of The Wardstone Trilogy and Book 5 of Perpetual Fantasitica. Crimzon and Clover might even get a few scenes.

What ties all of the above worlds together is the strange otherworldly towers that are found in each. The Spire where the Summers Day festival takes place in Wardstone is one of these. The Sea Spire on the cover of Vanx Malic book 6, and the tower in Harthgar on the cover of Vanx 7 are all called Cardinal Towers. There is one at the North and South poles and one at each of the world's Cardinal positions. So far only Clover and Vanx Malic have figured them out, and they have only scratched the surface.

That is why the new series is called Devious Aracana. Because it is far more than one series. It is the icing on the cake of all I have created.

M. R. Mathias